01 June 2007


I have been listening to Matthew Gallatin's podcast (Orthodox) called "Imputed Righteousness" On Ancient Faith Radio. It has been very eye-opening for me. He asserts that Grace is not "God's unmerited favor"; it is not a thing which God gives. Rather, grace describes the activity of God within me.

"Grace is God at work transforming me.
Faith is the Christ who dwells in me reaching out to the same Christ who sits on His throne in Heaven.
Wisdom is God thinking His thoughts in me.
Mercy is God expressing His goodness in and through me.
Righteousness is a state of being, God's state of being. It is who He is; it is His perfect, loving, merciful way of existing."

From listening to Gallatin and from doing my own reading I am beginning to understand more fully how salvation is not simply the result of a contract between me and God which I sign by believing and receiving. It is about a relationship with God in which both sides sacrifice themselves for each other in order to be united in the way Christ describes in John 17:20-23. Salvation is unity with Christ. And like any relationship, this one is two-sided. If I don't do my part, I risk losing the opportunity to find eternal union and salvation with God. Hell, or separation from God, is not a punishment; it is a choice. If I believe in God's love and allow the Holy Spirit to dwell and work in me, I have all that I need to become holy so I might draw nearer to Him. But it is important to remember that God does not force Himself on anyone. If I decide to reject the Holy Spirit (at any time) He will not remain in me. But if I repent and choose Him, He will forgive where I have wronged Him and joyfully help me aspire toward righteousness.

There is so much more, but I am still digesting it all.

Glory be to God, for He is Love!